On the Scene: Fallujah Kentucky Fried Chicken
Today at 12:58pm
By David Mac Dougall, Baghdad Bureau
We finally made it to Kentucky Fried Chicken in downtown Fallujah. The quest for KFC is over!
But let me clarify: on closer inspection it turns out this is not one of Colonel Sanders’ officially sanctioned franchises. In fact, appart from the large “KFC” sign in the window you’d be hard pressed to distinguish this from many other chicken restaurants in Fallujah. The big difference though, is on the inside. Iraqis like baked chicken, and it turns out deep fried chicken is something of a novelty, and so they’ve been flocking to the restaurant over the past eight months since it opened - the loal newspaper even ran a story about it, so I guess it’s not a Fox exclusive.
Of course we only made it to KFC with the help of our embed hosts this week - Capt. Dan Micklis and the marines of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines. They’ve been showing us all over the north of Fallujah, and we’ll be sad to say goodbye later this evening as we start the journey back to Baghdad.
We were the only customers early Friday evening in KFC, so I bought enough chicken to feed the marines. In case you’re wondering, they only have one thing on the menu - a $5 meal which buys 2 pieces of fried chicken, French fries, a soda, bottle of water and 2 bread rolls.
If the official KFC wants to send Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines any free stuff, like t-shirts or hats, vouchers for meals (or pretty much anything really!), then get in touch and we’ll make sure you can link up with the guys.
In the meantime, enjoy some pictures!
JR14 out
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